Creation Covenant

And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1

To know Creation is to know the Creator.

St. Columban

In a world divided by sin and injustice, we strive to live the values of the Kingdom.
For us this demands:

  • Respect for life in all its forms within the context of the integrity of creation.
  • Simplicity in lifestyle that puts material goods in their Christian perspective and expresses solidarity with those who are marginalized.
Columban Constitutions & Directory, C.108

Our commitment to communion and our solidarity with the poor and with the exploited Earth challenges us as individuals to personal lifestyle change. As a Society we are called upon to use the resources entrusted to us for the life of the world.

Called to Communion


We recognize the signs of the times: that there is an urgent imperative to listen to what the Earth is saying to us about what human behavior is doing to God’s creation. We believe that our missionary vocation contains within it an ecological vocation to be in solidarity with the poor and with the natural world which impels us to continually review and renew our option for a simple lifestyle and make choices that bring us in to right relationship with all of Creation. We recognize that ecological conversion is an ongoing commitment that occurs both personally and communally.

We celebrate the witness that is already embodied by individuals and collectively as a Society to interdependence on the natural world with all life. The suggestions for action and contemplation included in this covenant are intended to spark ideas, recognizing that each cultural context where we work has its own unique response in how we as individuals and communities can bear witness to our love for the whole of Creation.

A number of possibilities for action that concerned men and women have embraced are listed below and may help us build on how we as individuals and communities might bear witness to our love for the whole of Creation.

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